Friends of ABF Agreement
Thank you for becoming a Friend of ABF.
The Friends of ABF Agreement is designed to guide and support you with your role and responsibilities as a Friend of ABF, whilst helping us to ensure our Friends share our values and our vision.
ABF’s Values
We pride ourselves on being an organisation who genuinely cares and listens without judgement. When it comes to mental health, we know there’s no magic wand. We believe in people, and we support them to work through what matters to them.
Our core values are:
Belief and Hope 
Compassion and Empathy 
Trust and Integrity 
Listening and Learning 
Genuine Care and Kindness 
Support and Empowerment 
ABF’s Vision
To ensure no person experiencing poor mental health ever feels like they’re on their own.
As a Friend of ABF, you should:
Uphold our values and be aligned with our vision.
Promote equality, diversity and inclusion and treat others with respect.  
A few other important bits…  
By signing up to be a Friend of ABF, you accept the following terms and conditions of use:
Friends of ABF subscriptions are non-transferable and are for 12 months.
Friends of ABF accept that the collection and processing of a range of personal data is necessary. Further details can be found in our Privacy Notice and Data Protection Policy (available on our website and on request).
It is the Friend of ABFs responsibility to inform us of any changes to details, particularly contact information, communication preferences and Gift Aid status.
Advance Brighter Futures reserves the right to remove, alter or add Friends of ABF benefits during your friendship term.
Advance Brighter Futures reserves the right to increase Friends of ABF fees with prior notification.
Friends of ABF are not to disclose confidential information received during any ABF meetings or communications.  
Friends of ABF must immediately inform the Chief Officer in the event of allegations of criminal behaviour, criminal proceedings being brought against them, or allegations that would reasonably be considered of concern from a safeguarding perspective.  
Payment & Refunds
Payments are made online via our website.
To become a Friend of ABF costs £15.00 per year.
To cancel your friendship, please contact us with at least seven days’ notice from the date you wish to cancel.
Any requests for a full cancellation and refund must be made within seven working days from the day after the subscription began. After this cancellation period, all friendship fees are non-refundable once payment has been received.
Any request for refund must be submitted in writing and must then be reviewed and authorised by Advance Brighter Futures Trustees. In exceptional circumstances the friendship team may consider offering a refund outside the above conditions, in some cases this may be a part refund to cover our administrative costs and bank processing fees.
Please note that under the Charities Act 2011 (Section 65), we are not permitted to refund any additional donation payment.