Are you looking to support a local charity?
Are you passionate about promoting positive mental health and wellbeing?
Do you want to be a part of a positive mental health community?
Do you want to help people experiencing poor mental health feel less alone?
Become a Friend of ABF and for £15 per year you can help us make a real difference to people’s lives, helping us to support our community with their mental health and wellbeing.
Here's how becoming a Friend of ABF will support the work we do...
First and foremost, by joining Friends of ABF, you’ll be helping us to continue supporting people with their mental health and keep offering our services to the community for free. As a small, local charity, we solely rely on grants, fundraising, and donations to deliver our work, so any donations we receive – big or small – goes a long way.

Not only is joining Friends of ABF a great way to support the work we do, but it gives you the opportunity to have an influence on how we shape and design our services too. This might be helping us with a survey or piece of research, contributing to one of our interactive co-production workshops, or joining us at one of our coffee & chat sessions.

As a Friend of ABF, you’re joining a community committed to raising awareness around positive mental health, helping us achieve our vision of no person experiencing poor mental health ever feels like they’re on their own. Every shared social media post, every flyer handed out, every conversation with a friend or neighbour, helps us spread the word about what we do and how we can help people.

Do you enjoy meeting other people, having fun, and doing your bit for a good cause? Well as a Friend of ABF, you’ll also have the opportunity to join us as a Fundraising Volunteer, helping us to raise vital core funds for the charity. This might be joining us at one of our fun bucket collections, or running your own fundraiser in aid of ABF.

As a Friend of ABF, you'll have access to our Friends-only benefits too, such as:
Receive our Friends of ABF Newsletter
Early bird tickets to ABF Events
Access to our Friends of ABF Facebook Group
Invitation to our annual Supporters Event

Most importantly, by becoming a Friend of ABF, you’ll be helping us to support more people like Becca…
Becca accessed our PRAMS (Parental Resilience And Mutual Support) Groups, and received one-to-one counselling at ABF after the pressures of motherhood got the better of her.
“I was a new mum, and with all the pressure motherhood held, I let it get the better of me. I felt alone and trapped, and I had little support around me. I lost myself to a point I didn’t recognise who I was anymore. I lost interest in everything I loved and what made me, me.
ABF saved my life. They instantly made me feel like I wasn’t battling this on my own and ABF soon became my safe place. I was able to not get back the old me, but work on the person I am now, and I'm so proud of where I am.  
I’m getting back into things I love such as singing and acting, and I'm happy. I've learnt how to cope and work on myself all thanks to the amazing support of ABF. If I didn’t ask for help when I did, I wouldn’t be here today watching my little boy dance, run, laugh, and love. Thank you, ABF.”